“Ancient wisdom. Modern healing”.
— DR Ash Gordon

Balance your body and mind, the natural way


The AGA Point of Difference

At Ash Gordon Acupuncture, we understand the important roles both Eastern and Western medicines play in modern day health care, we are in the strongest position to develop strategies that will optimise all aspects of your wellbeing.

You and your body are entirely unique, deserving of an equally unique approach to manage your health.

During an initial consultation, we’ll take the time to talk, listen and understand, exploring your medical history and conduct thorough examinations, including pulse and abdominal diagnosis.

Working as your lead clinician or by collaborating with your existing health care team, our goal is to develop a treatment plan that will support you over the long-term, enhancing every aspect of your life and equipping you to heal and thrive.

Enjoy quality care from University degree qualified and registered practitioners who strive to make you feel as comfortable as possible throughout every interaction. We are committed to offering the most professional service, and the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing your health is in the safest hands.

Support for parents at every stage of the pregnancy journey


Balance your body and mind, the natural way

The combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine has long been accepted as an effective means of boosting the body’s natural ability to heal.

A holistic approach to your overall wellbeing

We have a long-held a passion for supporting clients to get the absolute best from their bodies. Symptoms of disease may often manifest as a result of the body’s state of balance not being as good as it should be. Our guiding principle dictates that when the body is harmonious internally, it has no reason to express pain, discomfort, or stress externally.

Through in-depth consultation, we’ll work with you to ensure a thorough understanding of any issues that need to be addressed, before a highly tailored treatment plan is developed. Plans typically include acupuncture sessions combined with Chinese herbal medicine, alongside other techniques often recommended in addition.


The journey towards having a baby and beyond may be fraught with stresses at every stage. That’s why we place an emphasis on the provision of emotional support alongside the physical preparation of both the male and female bodies for natural conception, IVF cycles, labour and postpartum recovery.

SErvices we provide


Trusted by practitioners for thousands of years, acupuncture improves the body’s blood and energy flow [1]. In turn, it may be used to target specific areas, promoting healing, pain relief and relaxation. With experience and knowledge of traditional and contemporary techniques, our evidence-based practices will revitalise your body, mind and spirit.

At AGA we use Japanese Acupuncture - a very gentle style of acupuncture. Four year degree qualified prior to further study, with continual learning required for ongoing registration.

Bowen Therapy

Is a subtle and holistic technique where a practitioner gently rolls their fingers over specific muscle bellies, to produce a stretch within the facia (connective tissue under the skin’s surface) of the body at precise locations. The aim is to elicit a response within the soft tissues of the entire body returning it to balance physically, structurally, energetically and emotionally.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture are two separate approaches to your health that have long been intrinsically linked. Properly utilised alongside one another, each may complement and enhance the benefits experienced.
Our expansive knowledge of herbal medicines combined with our thorough diagnostics process, utilising the wrist pulse, helps us correctly determine the right combination of these treatment options to effectively achieve your desired health outcomes.

[1]. Yang, C et al, Elect Devices & Solid-State Circ (EDSSC) in IEEE International Conference, pp.1-2

what we treat

  • Lack of blood flow may negatively impact the health of body tissue, leading to long-term deterioration. Regular acupuncture is a tried and tested means of protection against disease, while also maintaining energy levels and general wellbeing.[1]

    Acupuncture may assist in the alleviation of: back pain, frozen shoulder, knee and ankle pain – unfortunately, we live in a world where we can sit for many hours a day, which can be a common cause of discomfort.

    [1]. Yang, C et al, Elect Devices & Solid-State Circ (EDSSC) in IEEE International Conference, pp.1-2

  • At any stage of life, women tend to face a unique set of health challenges. Our experience in this area and our natural approaches may play a vital role in managing a vast array of female health issues.

    The menstrual cycle in particular, may cause physical and emotional discomfort for women of all ages. Acupuncture may be employed to reduce period pain and heaviness, as well as irritability and fatigue, irregularity, Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and Endometriosis. [9]

    Beyond the menstrual years, menopause may bring a whole new set of challenges. From hot flushes to mood swings and weight fluctuations, the support of a caring acupuncture practitioner may make a vital difference to every aspect of your wellbeing during this period of adjustment.

    Women’s health and menstrual disorders - the menstrual cycle in particular may cause physical and emotional discomfort for women of all ages. Acupuncture may be employed to reduce period pain and heaviness, as well as irritability and fatigue, irregularity, Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and Endometriosis. [9]

    [9]. Yang Xu et al, PLoS ONE, Oct 2017 12(10): e0186616. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0186616

  • For couples trying and struggling to conceive, stress may often be a critical factor. Ongoing feelings of stress may trigger the release of hormones and chemicals in the body that negatively impact a women’s fertility, and may lead to reduced sperm count and quality in men. The calming effect of acupuncture may therefore support natural conception by reducing stress, and thus its impact on the body and fertility. [5]

    [5]. Lynch C et al, Hum. Reprod. May 2014 29 (5): 1067-1075.

  • ‘Preparing the soil before planting the seed’ is a fundamental belief held by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At Ash Gordon Acupuncture we have the distinct skills and necessary sensitivity to support both male and female parents before, during and after pregnancy. Our focus on fertility, IVF and the experience of pregnancy is not merely limited to physical and herbal treatments.

    Trusted by practitioners for thousands of years, acupuncture improves the body’s blood and energy flow [1]. In turn, it may be used to target specific areas, promoting healing, pain relief and relaxation. With experience and knowledge of traditional and contemporary techniques, our evidence-based practices will revitalise your body, mind and spirit.

  • Acupuncture may yield crucial benefits throughout the IVF process. For men, it may improve sperm count and quality [6]. For women, we recommend consistent treatments during the two to three months prior to entering an IVF cycle. It is at this stage that acupuncture provides optimal benefits, and an excellent base to build on for subsequent pre and post-transfer sessions. [7]

    [6]. Yan Yu et al, Acu Med BMJ, Mar 2019 37(1): 3-15 [7]. Cochrane S et al, Evid Based Comp and Alt Med, 2016, Article ID 3587569, 11 pages

  • In the latter stages of pregnancy, acupuncture may be used for a variety of outcomes. By undertaking regular sessions from the 36-week mark, a pregnant woman may experience improved blood circulation to the specific areas required, relaxed pelvic and cervical muscles in preparation for labour, and a more rapid replenishment of any blood lost during birth itself. And another little known fact? Acupuncture may actually be used to help induce labour if your new arrival is running late! [8]

    [8]. Neri I et al, Jnl Acup Merid Studies, Oct 2018, 11(5): 332-336

  • After giving birth, maintaining the wellbeing of both mother and baby remains paramount. In our experience acupuncture and Chinese herbs may boost energy levels, reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality and increase

  • Hormone imbalances – thyroid (over- & under-active), pituitary and other endocrine dysfunctions, menopause (hot flushes, mood swings, weight fluctuations)

  • Problems with the gut may often mean prolonged periods of discomfort. Acupuncture has proven itself as an effective adjunct treatment for the many acute and chronic conditions that may impact on your digestion.

    From IBS to Crohn’s disease, reflux, bloating, indigestion and issues with appetite, acupuncture aims to restore balance within the digestive system. By nourishing vital organs, reducing stomach inflammation, speeding up the metabolism and returning stomach acidity to normal levels, painful symptoms might be alleviated.

    What’s more, Chinese Medicine has the potential to identify the underlying causes of gut problems, equipping clients with the knowledge needed to take further steps towards maintaining a healthier digestive system in the long-term.

  • In our clinical experience, and in conjunction with continual research into these conditions blood flow is essential for the transportation of ‘feel-good’ hormones around the body. Improved or increased blood flow may cause muscles to relax, reduce the feelings and impact on the body of stress and anxiety, while generally lifting your mood.

    Our lives lend themselves to varying degree of stress. External stressors are hard to alleviate, however, altering how the body perceives those stressors and their affect on the body’s “fight and flight” response, is crucial to regulation.

    In our clinical experience, we have found acupuncture to be beneficial relating to sleep disturbances (difficulties falling and staying asleep) and insomnia and, anxiety, PTSD and the continual “stress” which our bodies are exposed to.

    McDonald J, Janz S., The Acupuncture Evidence Project; A Comparative Literature Review (Revised edition), 2017, Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd; http://www.acupuncture.org.au

  • By developing a thorough understanding of your situation and any health issues you may be facing, we make informed recommendations on the best combination of approaches to ensure your desired outcomes.


we understand the important roles both Eastern and Western medicines play in modern day health care


meet the team - dr ash gordon

  • Ash is a warm & compassionate practitioner, often described by others as “a kind soul”.

  • Ash holds a Bachelor of Health Science (TCM), a Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement) and a Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) and further study in Japanese Acupuncture. Prior to going back to university at the ripe age of 28, Ash was a middle-school teacher, desiring more. Inspired by his acupuncturist at the time, the idea of study was presented. 3.5 years of intense study found Ash having a severe stroke with only 6 months of study to go. The event was life-changing and only solidified his desire to complete his degree and help others.

  • Graduating from Southern School of Natural Therapies in 2012, he worked as a Chinese Medicine doctor in the family clinic with his Mum and sister. This was a true blessing whilst recovering – finding joy for several years assisting people reach optimal health. Working with pregnant women runs in the family, so naturally, fertility and pregnancy acupuncture is his passion; however, Ash also has a strong interest in pain, sleeping and digestive issues and emotional difficulties, just to name a few.

  • Currently furthering his education doing post-graduate Masters in Chinese Herbal Medicine to assist further in regulation of these issues. Ash is a Bowen Therapist, used in conjunction with acupuncture, if required, to help with muscular and skeletal issues. Ash and his wife relocated to Brisbane in 2020. Ash is passionate about the gift of appreciation for our body, mind and soul. Fulfilled by the ability to help empower people to attain better and optimal health it is an honour to be a part of every client’s health journey.


*Private health rebates available depending on individual's health fund cover







You and your body are entirely unique



  • Trusted by practitioners for thousands of years, acupuncture improves the body’s blood and energy flow [1]. In turn, it may be used to target specific areas, promoting healing, pain relief and relaxation. With experience and knowledge of traditional and contemporary techniques, our evidence-based practices will revitalise your body, mind and spirit.

    Fine disposable filament needles are inserted at specific points in the skin known to hold concentrations of energy. This energy, traditionally referred to as Qi, flows through the body via channels known as meridians. If these meridians become blocked, illness and pain may result. Acupuncture works to unblock these channels, stimulating and restoring energy flow and bringing about internal harmony.

    [1]. Yang, C et al, Elect Devices & Solid-State Circ (EDSSC) in IEEE International Conference, pp.1-2

  • Us Acupuncturists are biased; however, a small prick may be felt upon needle insertion, and following that, there should be very little discomfort at all.

  • A initial acupuncture session will involve in in-depth conversation about concerning symptoms and discomfort, then diagnosis via abdominal palpation with full explanations, then minimal needle insertion followed by 20 to 30 minutes of relaxation, complemented by music.

  • This question is determined by the symptom severity and chronicity of the concerns of the individual. Initially, 4-5 treatments, spaced a week apart, is a great place to start. Our goal is to then increase the time required between treatments and decrease frequency, to allow the body to demonstrate that it’s strong enough to maintain balance without assistance.

    Often, an ongoing maintenance treatment plan is executed, say 4-6 weekly or determined by the body, to promote a balanced body with optimal daily functioning.

“I am so passionate about the gift of appreciation for our body, mind and soul.”

- Dr Ash Gordon


Feel free to contact us with any questions. To make a booking please click on the booking button above.